What’s the priority of each ministry?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus is in charge for relations with other states and for the realization of its foreign policy.
The Ministry of Defense is in charge for the safety and for the territorial integrity of Cyprus. Also, is responsible for the army and soldier’s organization.
Ministry of Agriculture fights plant diseases and ensure the development of the agricultural sector.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has the duty of taking care the environment. Is responsible also for the compliance with all rules relating to cleaning and protecting the environment.
Ministry of Justice and Public Order is handling all kinds of crimes, violations and crimes. With court’s help, it takes the necessary decisions for all these situations and arrange for the official observance of human rights.
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism takes necessary measures for everything that has to do with tourists and with issues related to trade, industry and suggestions to protect the consumer.
Ministry of Labor and Social Security helps people to take all kinds of benefits for unemployment, maternity, pension, salary authorization, etc.
Ministry of Finance helps to shape economic policy, the monitoring of the state budget, the grant of allowances. Service, office, administration section and vat services are also included.
Ministry of Education and Culture has to do with the organization of the local, intermediate and higher education, service tests, training centers and special education.
Ministry of Communications and Works is the organization of all the Cypriot mechanics. Its job is to ensure the structures, and building permits for various construction jobs.